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2 answers

Are there planets orbiting something else than a star?

Exoplanet is a planet that orbits a star different from our Sun. Are there any planets (that we know of) which orbit something else? (Like different giant planet or black hole or maybe neutron star.)
John Ronald's user avatar
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How to track orbit of an exoplanet?

I was wondering if there is an established method to keep track of the orbit of an exoplanet assuming we know $a$ - the semi-major axis of the orbit, $e$ - the eccentricity of the orbit, and $i$ - the ...
Jokerp's user avatar
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What orbit does a planet have to have to be a planet? [closed]

Other questions have dealt with where you could find a planet-like object, and what a planet has to consist of to count as a planet. But this question is directed as what orbit or path an object would ...
David Robinson's user avatar