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4 questions from the last 7 days
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What is the mass of the brown dwarf/red dwarf boundary in super metal-rich objects?

I am trying to make a red dwarf with twice the metallicity of the Sun. What could its theoretical minimum mass be in Jupiter masses?
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Can the rotation of the liquid layer of the core around the solid core stop a planet's overall spin rotation?

In some planets like Earth or Jupiter there is an external liquid or molten layer of the core which rotates around a more deeper solid core (partly due to the planet's spin itself). This dynamo effect ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Maintaining the magnetic field in gas giants in the future?

Let's set a planetary system similar to the Solar system in the far future, where the gas giants have cooled down significantly. Eventually, would the fluid metallic hydrogen layer solidify? And if it ...
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Finding the Flux Ratios of Two Stars in the V-Band [closed]

I am hoping to verify my approach / answer as I study for a final exam! I am given the V magnitudes for star A = 7.0 and star B = 8.5. $$ \frac{F_B}{F_A} = 10^{-0.4(V_B - V_A)} $$ $$ \frac{F_B}{F_A} = ...
Emma McMullan's user avatar