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Electrical vs Heating Insulation

Let's say we have a 120V cable and a 600V cable, this means that the 600V needs more electrical insulation to prevent the insulator from exceeding its dielectric strength. But in the other case, the ...
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Transformer vs Inductor for lighting a bulb or any other appliance

There was a question in my school physics exam which is as follows: Consider a 100W bulb which operates at 50V dc. John wants to light this bulb by a 200V ac source. What component should he use, ...
Pranshu Malik's user avatar
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How same power is distributed in different voltages in power lines?

I have seen when a resistor is connected to a battery, it carries the same voltage across the resistor, if the resistance is changed the current changes but voltage remains the same making the battery ...
sachin's user avatar
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