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Why is the Fokker-Planck equation only valid for the forward and backward velocities but not for the flux velocity?

I noticed that the Fokker-Planck equation is often only written for the forward velocity $\vec b$ and the backward velocity $\vec b^*$: \begin{align} \partial_t \rho + \nabla (\vec b \rho) &= D \...
jak's user avatar
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How does air going through silica gel change its humidity

Assume that the properties(temperature,humidity,velocity and so on) of the incoming air flow stay constant. The air flow goes through a silica gel plate. Humidity of the air will decrease, but how to ...
Bob's user avatar
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How does fluid velocity affect the dissolution of some solute in the fluid?

Suppose we have a perfect sphere of some solute such as sugar and we place it in a fluid such as water, at a certain temperature, that is not moving. It will dissolve and diffuse into the water due to ...
sonicboom's user avatar
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How to calculate convection between a hot and a cold area through a circular hole?

Consider the below problem: where we have two half infinite worlds with $T_2 < T_1$ and a circular hole with the diameter of $D$ in an infinite isolating wall. There is no ...
Foad's user avatar
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Can one model fluid flow only by using the convection–diffusion equation?

Modeling fluid flow in a coil seems very complicated, especially for turbulent flow. Having Navier-Stokes equations seems to be the right way to go, but I was wondering... can one use the convection-...
Physther's user avatar
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Diffusion of solute in a dynamic solvent

Consider this hypothetical equipment. A pipe made of semi-permeable membrane (permeable only to the solute) has a streamline flow of pure water going from A to B ($P_A>P_B$). Midway, another ...
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