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6 answers

Why is force not dependent upon velocity but on acceleration?

Force is not dependent upon velocity but on acceleration but acceleration is dependent upon velocity, What i mean is a=change in velocity/change in time.So in order to calculate acceleration i need ...
Ayush Sharma's user avatar
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5 answers

Significance of $\frac{dv}{dx}=0$

Suppose an object is moving with varying acceleration in time. What does it mean when it hits a point where $\frac{dv}{dx}=0$? Does it mean the object has hit maximum velocity? Assume the object ...
Rasputin's user avatar
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4 answers

Can we calculate centripetal acceleration by using this method $\frac{\mathbf v_2-\mathbf v_1}{T}$?

If we know the angle between two velocity vectors $\mathbf v_1$ and $\mathbf v_2$, and if we know the time $T$ it takes for the velocity to change from $\mathbf v_1$ to $\mathbf v_2$,then is it ...
Abdullah Al Zami's user avatar
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2 answers

Velocity as a property

Is velocity considered to be a property like mass and weight that can be measured at a single moment in time, such as mass of X measured at time T1, or is it a property that needs to be measured over ...
Miles Esfahani's user avatar
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3 answers

How is velocity defined in circular motion in central force field?

In my view the velocity is change of displacement in the increasing direction of displacement. Now in circular motion in central force field the particle is changing its direction then how is the ...
Nobody recognizeable's user avatar
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1 answer

How to find Net Force with constant velocity? [closed]

Does having a constant velocity always make the acceleration equal zero? For example: A 5 kg ball is moving at constant velocity of 15 m/s. What is the net force on the ball? If the formula is $F_{...
Dylan Doesmath's user avatar