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Transformation of Yang Mills Field Strength

I am confused about the expression $$F_{\mu \nu} \to F_{\mu \nu}' = U F_{\mu \nu}U^{\dagger}.$$ I found related Phys.SE posts How would one show that a nonabelian field strength tensor transforms in a ...
Gleeson's user avatar
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Bianchi identity contradiction in Abelian case

In non-abelian gauge theory, such as P & S's chapter 15, eq. (15.89), we also have Bianchi identity. Start with $$\epsilon^{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}[D_\nu,[D_\lambda,D_\sigma]]=0$$ and use $[D_\mu,D_\...
Daren's user avatar
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Meaning of the notation $(D_\nu F_{\lambda\sigma})^a$ in Bianchi's identity

I'm studying Peskin and Schroeder chapter 15, on page 500, we have the Bianchi's identity in nonabelian gauge theory, $$\tag{15.89} \epsilon^{\mu\nu\lambda\sigma}(D_\nu F_{\lambda\sigma})^a=0$$ Here $\...
Simplyorange's user avatar
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Commutator between covariant derivative and a field

I have field as an element of a Lie algebra as $\Phi = \phi^at^a$ and I want to calculate the commutator $$[D_{\mu}, \Phi],$$ with $$D_{\mu} = \partial_{\mu} + igA^a_{\mu}t^a,$$ the covariant ...
zequi's user avatar
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Is the equation $[\nabla_{\mu},\nabla_{\nu}]=F_{\mu\nu}$ correct? If yes, how does it have to be interpreted?

It seems like simply using the equation \begin{equation} \nabla_{\mu}=\partial_{\mu}+A_{\mu} \end{equation} isn't enough: One obtains \begin{equation} [\nabla_{\mu},\nabla_{\nu}]=\underbrace{[\...
Filippo's user avatar
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What is $D$ or $D$-with-a-slash-through-it in the Standard Model equation(s)?

In the mathematical formulation of the Standard Model, which I do not understand yet, there is a capital letter $D$ or $D$-with-a-slash-through-it that I can't find an explanation for. Flip Tanedo (a ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Gauge-covariance of the Yang-Mills field strength $F_{\mu\nu}^a$

Accordingly to Yang-Mills theories, after the introduction of a covariant derivative such that $$D_\mu = \partial_\mu - igA_\mu, \tag1$$ you can built the kinetic term for the gauge potential $A_\...
Vicky's user avatar
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Notation and concepts of Yang Mills Theory

I am studying loop quantum gravity using the book by Pullin and Gambini. I am having some trouble understanding and getting past the chapter on Yang Mills theory, mainly because I am confused about ...
D. de Vries's user avatar