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Finding back a simple SDE from its solution

I'm trying to self-learn Kurt Jacob's Stochastic Processes for Physicists: Understanding Noisy Systems. I've followed Chapter 3, where I saw how to derive that the solution to the SDE $$ dx=\left(c+\...
Yuval's user avatar
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How to evaluate a non-banal derivate?

I need to evaluate the following derivate: $$\frac{dF}{d\Psi} = \frac{d}{d\Psi}\left[\beta\Delta\Psi+\alpha\left|\Psi\right|^2\Psi+\mu\Psi-i\vec{v}\cdot\bar{\nabla}\Psi\right]$$ where $\Psi$ is a ...
StrizzenSuperfluid's user avatar
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For how long is an objects velocity it's instantaneous velocity at time $t$?

Basically I'm asking if an object's instantaneous velocity at time $t$ is $8m/s$ and its instantaneous velocity at time $t^+$ (idk latex, but basically the t + an infinitely small number) is $10m/s$, ...
Serendipitous Epiphany's user avatar