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What is the degrees of freedom of metric tensor?

As $g_{\mu\nu}$ can be taken to be symmetric, it contains 10 functions of spacetime in 4 dimensions. But, why we call these 10 functions as the degrees of freedom of the metric while they are the ...
Archimedes's user avatar
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Notion of 'functional degrees of freedom' for the metric function in GR?

I have read through the numerous questions on 'degrees of freedom' in the metric tensor, and won't list them all here. However none of them address my question on 'functional' degrees of freedom in ...
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How many independent degrees of freedom does the metric tensor have in vacuum (at every point)?

A field of metric tensors fully characterises the curvature of a vacuum space-time. (For example, the spacetime between some single point masses which are themself not part of the manifold) The metric ...
Scibo's user avatar
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How many degrees of freedom to diagonalize the metric?

In A. Zee's Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell, he starts with the following expansion of the metric at some point $P$ of a Riemannian manifold, with coordinates $x^\mu$ that have the origin at $P$: $$ ...
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