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Coalescence of soap bubbles and its impact on the resulting volume

Suppose I have two spherical soap bubbles of volumes $V_1$ and $V_2$. Suppose, they are found to coalesce under isothermal conditions to form another bubble. Is the volume of this resulting bubble the ...
Abhinav Tahlani's user avatar
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What kind of propulsion would a Scrubbing Bubble use [closed]

The brand name bathroom cleaner Scrubbing Bubbles has a mascot, that is a bubble with a rotating bush on the bottom. Please view this video to see an example of the motion. I would like to know what ...
LegitRFacoon's user avatar
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Help with obtaining the derivation of the resonance frequency of a bubble [closed]

I have a question with regards to the derivation of the resonance frequency of a bubble described using the bubble dynamics equation in the paper I'm currently reading (Eqn 1): $$\frac{3}{2}R_t^2+RR_{...
CJK's user avatar
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What is the equation of state of foam, on a macroscopic scale?

Consider a large amount of soap foam (or any other substance producing foam), of mass density $\rho$ in a gravityless environment. What is the internal pressure $p$ of that foam, viewed as a fluid on ...
Cham's user avatar
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Best way to pour a too-carbonated beer?

I hope people have fun with this. But, for those who aren't interested in fun, here's a Tl/Dr: What is the fastest way to disperse foam from an overcabonated drink being poured. For example, is it ...
Cort Ammon's user avatar
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