Linked Questions

14 votes
2 answers

Have red shifted photons lost energy and where did it go? [duplicate]

I think the title says it. Did expansion of the universe steal the energy somehow?
sonardude's user avatar
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Where does the energy go when light is redshifted? [duplicate]

Imagine a galaxy millions of lightyears away and, obeying Hubble's law, moving very quickly away from us. Now imagine the same galaxy emitted a green photon in our direction (a photon with a ...
Pedro Malafaya Baptista's user avatar
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Conservation of Energy in General Relativity [duplicate]

I recently heard about energy "not being conserved" in General Relativity and i had doubts. Is this true, cause the following questions deeply worry me if that is the case?: Wasn't the whole point of ...
PhyEnthusiast's user avatar
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When the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation cools, where does the energy go? [duplicate]

I understand how photons can change wavelength via gravitational redshifting, but that doesn't seem to be what's going on with the CMB radiation. I've heard it explained as happening because of the ...
B T's user avatar
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Conservation of Momentum and The Expansion of The Universe [duplicate]

As I understand it, the cosmological red shifting of light is one of the effects of the expansion of the universe. But as the wavelength of light increases, the momentum given by: p = $\frac{h}{\...
Rahul Chowdhury's user avatar
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Where does the energy of a redshifted photon go to? [duplicate]

When traveling through the vacuum, electromagnetic waves experience an increase of wavelength (redshift). According to this equation: $$E=\frac{hc}{\lambda}=h\nu$$ ( Where, as we know, h is the ...
tiredUser's user avatar
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Energy conservation in the redshifted light by expansion of the universe [duplicate]

I asked chat-gpt the same question, and this is her answer: The energy of light that is redshifted due to the expansion of the universe doesn't disappear, it is simply transformed into other forms of ...
lukek1101's user avatar
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Is red-shift a violation of the conservation of energy? [duplicate]

Light loosing frequency equals to a loss of energy as far as I understood. So where does this energy go, given that the law of conservation of energy is correct?
Markus Appel's user avatar
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Energy conservation in Hubble Expansion [duplicate]

So space expands due to Hubble Flow. Some light is observed, which is seen to be red-shifted due to the space expansion. It is less energetic. Where did the energy go?
Jiminion's user avatar
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Where does the energy from expanded light go? [duplicate]

The universe is expanding and light traveling through it also expands. Light with longer wavelengths have less energy so light is losing energy as the universe expands. Where does this energy go? Or ...
Beans's user avatar
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Where did the energy from the CMBR go? [duplicate]

Basically the title. The wavelength of light from the CMBR has expanded as the universe expanded and so it has lost energy since it is inversely proportional to the wavelength. Where did this energy ...
Kirtpole's user avatar
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Why don't big bang photons conserve mass and energy? [duplicate]

A photon from the big bang has lost most of its momentum and energy. What does it push against? Does it break the 'laws' of conservation of energy and momentum? Is there any possibility that momentum ...
Michael Grazebrook's user avatar
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When light gets red shifted by the expending universe it's energy decreases. What happens to that energy? [duplicate]

If a Photon of light is red shifted its wavelength increases and therefore its energy decreases. What happens to that energy as energy should be conserved right?
Jakob Boyes-Jensen's user avatar
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When space expands where do the energy of the gravitational wave dissipate to? [duplicate]

I think it is safe to say that gravitational wave do not dissipate unless it met matter along the way imparting some of it's energy to cause some distortion or when it's frequency is stretched even ...
user6760's user avatar
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Is energy really conserved?

In high school I was taught energy was conserved. Then I learned that nuclear reactions allow energy to be converted into mass. Then I also heard that apparently energy can spontaneously appear in ...
Casebash's user avatar
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