Linked Questions

6 votes
3 answers

Textbook on Differential Geometry for General Relativity [duplicate]

I'm going to start self-studying General Relativity from Sean Caroll's Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity. I'd like to have a textbook on Differential Geometry/Calculus on ...
3 votes
1 answer

Mathematically rigorous books on special and general relativity [duplicate]

I am looking to study physics as a mathematician. I am interested in books on special and/or general relativity, written in a style of rigor that would be acceptable to a mathematician. I would like a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Connection and curvature using differential forms [duplicate]

I am trying to understand how one would use differential forms to calculate the components of the connection and the curvature tensor given a metric. Can anyone point me to relevant resources for the ...
0 votes
1 answer

About self-learning general relativity [duplicate]

I am an actuarial science graduate who also minored in physics. I have a physics background of around a year 3 undergraduate physics student, and I've been meaning to self-learn general relativity ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a book that discusses General Relativity in terms of Modern Differential Geometry? [duplicate]

All of the physics books that I've seen which discuss General Relativity do so in terms of coordinates - the tensor calculus - even though the naturally relevant entities are invariant under general ...
0 votes
0 answers

Literature request for books / review papers on gravitation, gauge theories and related mathematics [duplicate]

Similar to this reference, are there more such references / works [including textbooks] available in the literature? (A list would be greatly welcomed and appreciated.)
1 vote
0 answers

Very specific type of GR paper hunt [duplicate]

My General relativity skills suck. I need a good paper that does not start with equivalence principle and pages of elevator experiments derives principles mathematically, not by physical intuition ...
0 votes
0 answers

More mathematically formal textbook on general relativity [duplicate]

I was going through the lectures of F. Schuller in the International Winter School on Gravity and Light 2015, and I finally understand thing due to the differential geometry chartless formalism. But I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Books that approach General Relativity via differential forms, without coordinates [duplicate]

Does someone know about some books about differential geometry applied to General Relativity that are written using the language of differential forms, fiber bundles, & spin connection, and not ...
1 vote
0 answers

Book Suggestion for GR [duplicate]

I need to hear suggestions on some text books on General Relativity that is self-contained, at least containing the sufficient material to go till Einstein Field equations, Schwarzschild solution and ...
304 votes
1 answer

Resource recommendations [closed]

Every once in a while, we get a question asking for a book or other educational reference on a particular topic at a particular level. This is a meta-question that collects all those links together. ...
48 votes
8 answers

Classical mechanics without coordinates book

I am a graduate student in mathematics who would like to learn some classical mechanics. However, there is one caveat: I am not interested in the standard coordinate approach. I can't help but think ...
18 votes
3 answers

Books on cosmology

I have finished Carroll's general relativity book, Spacetime and Geometry. I am specifically interested in cosmology, so is there any book which goes more in depth into cosmology? I prefer a ...
11 votes
3 answers

General relativity in terms of differential forms

Is there a formulation of general relativity in terms of differential forms instead of tensors with indices and sub-indices? If yes, where can I find it and what are the advantages of each method? If ...
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8 votes
3 answers

Where do I start with Non-Euclidean Geometry?

I've been trying to grok General Relativity for a while now, and I've been having some trouble. Many physics textbooks gloss over the subject with an "it's too advanced for this medium", and many ...
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