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Why can an electric field escape from a black hole? [duplicate]

I know this is a duplicate question but the other answers didn't explain clearly my problem. The talks about no hair theory for explaining the communication and information problem of matter inside ...
Marijn 's user avatar
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Can a charged black hole interact via electromagnetism? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Detection of the Electric Charge of a Black Hole Light cannot escape from a black hole. However light is also interpreted as the carrier of the electromagnetic force. So how ...
asmaier's user avatar
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How does the electric field of a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole exist outside its event horizon if nothing can escape the event horizon? [duplicate]

I am learning Reissner-Nordstrom black holes and I have learnt that the black hole contains a net charges. The static field due to it ( through the Energy Momentum tensor) exists even outside the ...
Shashaank's user avatar
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If the photon is the force-carrier for the electromagnetic force, how does the electric charge of a black hole escape the event horizon? [duplicate]

When people speak of the electric charge of a black hole, do we actually mean it affects things outside of the event-horizon or is it just a property it has?
taracus's user avatar
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How can a black hole have electromagnetic field? [duplicate]

I know that everything that is shaped from gravity force is rotating, and gravity is a central force, but I want to know how we can understand that a black hole has an angular momentum? By which sign ...
user324499's user avatar
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How can black holes have charge and gravitate? [duplicate]

I seem to misunderstand the whole concept of calibration bosons. Let`s imagine a charged black hole. It does not let out anything that travels at any speed less than or equal to the speed of light, ...
hidefromkgb's user avatar
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How can a black hole have a charge? [duplicate]

Under current particle theory, the four fundamental forces use a force-carrying particle. The particle for electromagnetism is the photon. By definition a black hole is a mass from which light can ...
user3696042's user avatar
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Can an electric field be detected around a large black hole? [duplicate]

There is an existing question Why can an electric field escape from a black hole? which has a complex answer, not accessible to the layman. The point of this new question is that the electromagnetic ...
Jeremy Pendle's user avatar
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How do a black hole made from electrons produce EM field? [duplicate]

Imagine trillions upon trillions of electrons are squeezed into a tiny region of space creating a blackhole, how do this charged blackhole emit electromagnetic field? Hawking radiation do not count ...
user6760's user avatar
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How does gravity escape a black hole?

My understanding is that light can not escape from within a black hole (within the event horizon). I've also heard that information cannot propagate faster than the speed of light. I assume that the ...
Nogwater's user avatar
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If a Kerr-Newman black hole is like a charged, spinning, heavy magnet, what kind of magnet is it like?

I was reading up on De Sitter spaces, which states that the gravitational effects from a black hole is indistinguishable from any other spherically symmetric mass distribution. This makes a lot of ...
Alan Rominger's user avatar
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Why do we care about the maximally extended versions of spacetimes?

One can take a spacetime and maximally extend it, so that geodesics end only on singularities, where they have to end -- not on coordinate singularities, which are not physically significant. But when ...
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What happens to an embedded magnetic field when a black hole is formed from rotating charged dust?

Black holes have no-hair so there are uniquely specified by a mass, charge and angular momentum. Imagine a cloud of charged rotating dust. There will be a magnetic field associated with the current ...
FrankH's user avatar
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Virtual photons around a Reissner-Nordström black hole

Say we have a Reissner-Nordström charged black hole. There is a static electric field around it and far away it is that of a point charge. This poses a puzzle because signals cannot travel outside a ...
Dwagg's user avatar
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What happens when you remove the mass inside a black hole?

Imagine you could delete the sun from its existence at an instance. Information cannot travel faster than the speed of light so the earth will keep orbiting the sun for about 8 minutes without knowing ...
AccidentalTaylorExpansion's user avatar

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