I read in wiki that the speed of light is 88km/s slower in air than it is in a vacuum.
Do neutrinos travel faster than light in air?
I read in wiki that the speed of light is 88km/s slower in air than it is in a vacuum.
Do neutrinos travel faster than light in air?
The answer is yes. Neutrinos will travel faster than light in a medium with a refractive index ($n$) greater than one (which is the case of air). Indeed the speed of light in that medium will be $v_{\text{medium}}=c/n$ where $c=2.998\times10^8$ m/s and $n>1$.
Then, because neutrinos interacts only very weakly (only through the weak nuclear force) with the medium, neutrinos will barely be slowed compared to how much light is slowed and thus will go faster than light. Remember that neutrinos are almost massless and thus already travel to nearly the speed of light.
--- New Edit --- Indeed, the neutrino speed will depend on it's energy (as pointed out in comments). But I think that in most process in which neutrinos are produced (take for instance a beta-decay), the energy of a neutrino is enough to consider it as going to nearly the vacuum speed of light. So strictly speaking, the answer is that it depends on the neutrino energy and what type of medium you are in.
It looks so, as neutrino speed was measured to coincide with the light speed, and neutrino interacts very weakly with matter. However, as neutrino probably has mass, the answer to your question is positive only for neutrinos of sufficient energy.