I've heard two different descriptions of gravity, and I'm wondering how they work together.
The first is Gravitons:
"The three other known forces of nature are mediated by elementary particles: electromagnetism by the photon, the strong interaction by the gluons, and the weak interaction by the W and Z bosons. The hypothesis is that the gravitational interaction is likewise mediated by an – as yet undiscovered – elementary particle, dubbed the graviton. In the classical limit, the theory would reduce to general relativity and conform to Newton's law of gravitation in the weak-field limit." -- Source
I'll admit I don't know much about them, but I assume that they would work similarly how photons do in EM.
The second, which I understand more, is given by GR and is that space time is curves by mass-energy, sort of how putting a heavy object on a blanket curves it.
So, how would these work together? Would the curves space time be analogous to a "graviton field", where the more massive/energetic objects produce a stronger field which other objects are attracted to, and excitations in the field produce gravitons?