Imagine a problem with a piston filled with an ideal gas placed in a water bath. The gas is initially at a temperature equal to that of the water bath $T_1$ with volume $V_1$. A mass is then added to the piston. If the water bath is maintained at $T_1$ and the gas reaches a final volume $V_f$, what processes are involved in this sequence?
My initial thought was an adiabatic compression to the final state however I realised an adiabatic compression from $P_1,V_1$ to $P_2,V_f$ would result in a final temperature $T_f>T_1$ after which heat exchange would occur resulting in a different final volume.
My question is, what processes are involved the process of placing the mass on the piston, compressing the gas, and maintaining it at temperature $T_1$? Is it possible to assume this to be isothermal (ie. Heat exchange is instantaneous)?