Sir i am facing very difficultly in this following question. It will be so kind of you if you can explain this question to me:
This question is about the thermodynamics from the applications of 1st law of thermodynamics the question is (in which of the following processes, workdone will be maximum
(a) isobaric
(b) isothermal
Explanation about the difficulty: In my college my physics sir told me that the maximum work done is obtained from iso thermal process with the reasons that it is a reversible case in which all the heat applied is converted to workdone and the graph obtained from this is like a curve making shape of trapezium,however many of the other physist recommend that according to the graph obtained from iso baric process which is a straight line so the maximum work done is obtained from the iso baric process.... But i wonder that in carnot engine you know that he adopted that engine as the most efficient engine so in that he considered isothermal process why not iso baric
So sir it will be so kind of you to answer me this question. It may come in my exam of HCC1 also. I goggle it but got multiple answers and now i don't know which one to follow...