I had a couple of questions regarding the coordinate Bethe ansatz after trying to follow along in some lecture notes.
- The first one regards showing that the $H_{XXX}$ Hamiltonian preserves down spins. This was claimed without proof. The way I figured to go about this was to show that $S^{z} = \sum_{i}S^{z}_{i}$ commutes with the Hamiltonian. We also note that $\left[S^{a}_{i}, S^{b}_{j} \right] = \delta_{ij} \epsilon^{abc}S^{c}_{i}$. My work is as follows:
$\left[S^{z}, H \right] = \left[S^{z},\sum_{i}J_{x}S_{i}^{x}S^{x}_{i+1} + J_{y}S_{i}^{y}S^{y}_{i+1} + J_{z}S_{i}^{z}S^{z}_{i+1} \right] = \sum_{i}J_{x}(\left[S^{z}_{i},S^{x}_{i} \right]S_{i+1}^{x} + S_{i}^{x}\left[S_{i}^{z},S_{i+1}^{x} \right]) + J_{y}(\left[S^{z}_{i},S^{y}_{i} \right]S_{i+1}^{y} + S_{i}^{y}\left[S_{i}^{z},S_{i+1}^{y} \right]) + J_{z}(\left[S^{z}_{i},S^{z}_{i} \right]S_{i+1}^{z} + S_{i}^{z}\left[S_{i}^{z},S_{i+1}^{z} \right]) = J_{x}\left[S_{i}^{z}, S_{i}^{x} \right]S^{x}_{i+1} + J_{y}\left[S_{i}^{z}, S^{y}_{i} \right]S^{z}_{i+1} = J(S^{y}_{i}S^{x}_{i+1} - S^{x}_{i}S^{y}_{i+1}).$
where I applied two commutator identities to go to the second equality, I applied the spin commutator to get to the third equality, and then applied it again to get to the fourth equality (also setting $J_{x}=J_{y}$ for XXX and XXZ). Am I allowed to re-define the indicies in the first term, i.e. $x \rightarrow y$, $y \rightarrow x$ so that
$J(S^{x}_{i}S^{y}_{i+1} - S^{x}_{i}S^{y}_{i+1}) = 0$? If so, what are the conditions by which I would know how one could rename indicies in this way?
- The kets for spin are given by: $S^{+}\vert \uparrow \rangle = 0, S^{-}\vert\uparrow\rangle = \vert\downarrow \rangle, S^{+}\vert\downarrow \rangle = \vert \uparrow \rangle, S^{-}\vert \downarrow \rangle = 0, S^{z}\vert\uparrow\rangle = \frac{1}{2}\vert\uparrow\rangle, S^{z}\vert\downarrow\rangle = -\frac{1}{2}\vert\downarrow\rangle $
I also note that $\vert n_{1}, n_{2}, ..., n_{N} \rangle = S^{-}_{n_{1}}S^{-}_{n_{2}}...S^{-}_{n_{N}}\vert\Omega \rangle$ and $\vert\Omega\rangle = \vert \uparrow \uparrow ...\rangle$ is the vacuum eigenvector of all spins up.
I was wondering if someone would be able to explain in a bit more detail how to compute
$\sum_{l=1}^{L}S^{+}_{l}S^{-}_{l+1}\vert n \rangle$,
$\sum_{l=1}^{L}S^{-}_{l}S^{+}_{l+1}\vert n \rangle$,
$\sum_{l=1}^{L}S^{z}_{l}S^{z}_{l+1}\vert n \rangle$.
I tried computed the first one and obtained $\vert n+1 \rangle$ by the first $S^{-}_{l+1}$ acting on the $\vert n \rangle$ turning a spin from up to down at the (n+1)-th site, and then the $S^{+}_{l}$ operator acting on the ket to flip the spin at the nth site from down to up. Hence we are left with an (n+1)-ket. When I tried doing the second one, it appeared that the whole ket was killed when I applied the first operator. I also didn't obtain the third value of $\frac{L-4}{4}$, so I am definitely missing something and would appreciate some help.