When combining two line shapes (for example a Gaussian and a Lorentzian), the effect of Both of them combined is the convolution of both (with a Gaussian and a Lorentizan,this is the Voigt function). I am wondering what is the reason that a convolution arises.
I saw the explanation here: https://phys.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Astronomy__Cosmology/Stellar_Atmospheres_(Tatum)/10%3A_Line_Profiles/10.04%3A_Combination_of_Profiles
but it is not clear to me why
"At a distance $ξ $ from the line centre, the contribution to the line profile is the height of the function $𝑓(ξ)$ weighted by the function $𝑔(𝑥−ξ)$".
A clear explanation would be helpful.