I have been trying to prove the relations between specific heats at constant magnetization and magnetic field H, i.e. $C_H$ and $C_M$. I know that the relationship between $C_V$ and $C_V$ is given as $$\kappa_T (C_P-C_V) = TV\alpha_P^2$$ and I want to prove similar relations for magnetic systems. Problem is, I have been stuck at it for the past two days and am getting increasingly exasperated.
How do I go about doing this? No matter what I try, I end up getting stuck somewhere. My starting point is to write entropy as $S\equiv S(T,V,M)$ but even that leaves me nowhere.
Is there a source I can refer to that lists out the correct formulae for the four thermodynamic potentials in a magnetic system. I know that $dU=TdS-PdV+HdM$, and I want to find such equations for all thermodynamic potentials.