I'm trying to understand hydrodynamics of relativistic CFTs. A paper I'm referring to is this article published in PRL by Itzhak Fouxon and Yaron Oz in 2008.
The paper states that hydrodynamics applies whenever the correlation length of the fluid is much smaller than the characteristic length scale of variations of the fields. They derive an Euler equation from the zeroth-order gradient expansion of the conservation of the stress-energy-momentum (SEM) tensor of the CFT, and state that the SEM tensor only depends on the temperature $T$. The energy density $e$ is argued to scale as $T^4$ in $3+1$ dimensions from dimensional arguments.
I'm having trouble understanding this argument. From the perspective of mass dimension, I can see that $e$ (if interpreted as the Hamiltonian density) should have mass dimension $4$. In that case, why does temperature have mass dimension $1$?
PS: I also don't understand what is meant by the correlation length of the fluid. How should one define this? The correlation length corresponding to correlation functions diverges at a CFT due to scale invariance.