I have a question about a generalization of the Hubbard-Stratonovich (HS) transformation to decouple two-body interactions. When dealing with Hamiltonians of the kind
\begin{equation} H = -\sum_{a}h_a \sigma_a - \sum_{a,b} \beta_{ab}\sigma_a \sigma_b = -\langle h,\sigma\rangle - \langle \sigma | \beta | \sigma \rangle \end{equation}
one can to decompose the matrix $\beta$ as $\beta = \sum_{k}\lambda_k |v_k\rangle \langle v_k|$. Then to compute the partition function one can do
\begin{equation} Z = \sum_{\{\sigma_a\}} e^{-H} = \sum_{\{\sigma_a\}} e^{\langle h,\sigma\rangle + \sum_{k}\lambda_k \langle \sigma |v_k\rangle \langle v_k | \sigma \rangle } = \sum_{\{\sigma_a\}} e^{\langle h,\sigma\rangle} \prod_{k}e^{\lambda_k \langle \sigma |v_k\rangle^2} \end{equation}
and then employ HS transform
\begin{equation} e^{a^2} = \int \,dx \, e^{-\frac{x^2}{2} + \sqrt{2} a x} \end{equation}
in the second term to decouple the square, bring in the summation and sum over the possible configurations.
My question is: what about more than binary interactions? What if the Hamiltonian is in the form (still linear)
\begin{equation} H = -\sum_{a}h_a \sigma_a - \sum_{a,b} \beta_{ab}\sigma_a \sigma_b + \sum_{a,b,c}\gamma_{abc} \sigma_a \sigma_b \sigma_c + \sum_{a,b,c,d} \delta_{abcd}\sigma_a \sigma_b \sigma_c \sigma_d + \ldots \end{equation}
Any help or insight would be very appreciated