Consider a Lagrangian $L(\phi)$ for a field $\phi$ (assume it is a free real scalar for simplicity). Then the time ordered propagator can be expressed as a path integral $$ \langle\Omega|T\{ \phi(x) \phi(x') \}|\Omega\rangle = \int D\phi\ \phi(x) \phi(x') e^{i \int L} . $$ This is a standard result from Zee's textbook for example.
We know that the time ordered propagator should obey the equation of motion $$ ( -\Box_x^2 + m^2 )\langle\Omega|T\{ \phi(x) \phi(x') \}|\Omega\rangle = \delta(x - x') \ . $$ I would like to check that the path integral representation of the propagator satisfies the equation of motion.
However, applying $\Box_x$ to the path integral on the RHS of the above, does not seem to give me the right equation. In fact, since $( -\Box_x^2 + m^2 )\phi(x) =0$ it seems like $$ ( -\Box_x^2 + m^2 ) \int D\phi\ \phi(x) \phi(x') e^{i \int L} = 0 $$ This is obviously wrong, but I don't see why. Is it because of the end points on the integral?