Here is a mock scenario I have to illustrate my confusion,the regular basic assumptions here apply ie smooth floor so there is no friction and air resistance, and a inextensible string . There is a force of 60 N acting on block 2, the tension, however, will be a lot lot lower than 60 N ie the force pulling block 1 would be a lot lower than 60 N, and i only know this purely from common sense but I don't know the intuition behind it, i don't think F=ma isn't really an intuitive explanation for it either,more so a mathematical proof behind the intuition.
I initially thought, well the tension is low because only a low force is required to get block 1 to the overall acceleration of the system, but that's basically another way of saying $F=ma$ and I'm also kind of suggesting that the tension is due to the acceleration ,almost like the tension is caused by the acceleration ie acceleration came first and tension is trying to find the right force to cause the block to match the same rate of acceleration of the whole system , but that's obviously not the right chain of events.
My second thought of intuition was the tension force is distributing the force on both objects based on mass such that the ratio of the mass to resultant force on both objects should be equal. But I'm not sure if this is a good intuitive explanation as to why the tension is very low I see the formula F=ma as proof to the intuition of why the tension is very low , my issue is I don't fully understand the intuition ie its not obvious to me , if someone could provide a better explanation id be grateful.