Recently I've been thinking about $1d$ Path Integrals of some theories with non-standard Lagrangians. The adjective non-standard meaning that the Lagrangian $\mathcal{L} \neq \frac{1}{2} m \dot{x}^2 - V(x)$, and has a more general form $\mathcal{L}= \mathcal{L(x, \dot{x}, \ddot{x}, \dots)}$.
In my understanding of the Path Integral mathematical formalization of Quantum Mechanics we usually identify the one dimensional functional integral (in Euclidean signature) $$ \int \mathcal{D}[X] e^{- \int \mathrm{d} \tau \frac{1}{2} m \,\dot{x}^2 + V(x) },$$ with the following integral: $$\int e^{-\int \mathrm{d}\tau V(x)} \mathrm{d}W_{t}$$ where $\mathrm{d}W_{t}$ denotes the mathematically well-defined Weiner measure. As far as I understand, this identification emerges in a natural way from the physical picture by discretizing the "time range" of the functional integral (and crucially stems from the presence of the kinetic term) and allows to make contact with Brownian Motions and to the very physically appealing picture of "sum over all paths": $$ \int \mathcal{D}[X] e^{- \int \mathrm{d} \tau \frac{1}{2} m \,\dot{x}^2 + V(x) } = \sum_{\text{Brownian paths}} e^{-S}.$$
My question is: Is this picture valid for theories with a Lagrangian that does not have a manifest kinetic term of the form $ \frac{1}{2} m \dot{x}^2?$ And more in general, is there a geometric interpretation for such theories?