Spin operator in second quantization can be written as: \begin{equation} \hat{\vec{S}}_{i} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\sigma \sigma'} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{i\sigma} \hat{\vec{\sigma}}_{\sigma \sigma'} \hat{c}_{i\sigma'} \end{equation} where i - lattice multiindex, $\vec{\sigma}$ - Pauli matrices, $\hat{c}$ and $\hat{c}^{\dagger}$ - annihilation and creation fermion operators
I want to write $\left(\hat{S}^{x}_{i}\right)^{2}$, $\left(\hat{S}^{y}_{i}\right)^{2}$, $\left(\hat{S}^{z}_{i}\right)^{2}$, $\left(\hat{\vec{S}}_{i}\right)^{2}$.
For example, $\hat{S}^{x}_{i} = \frac{1}{2} \sum\limits_{\sigma\neq\sigma'} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{i\sigma}\hat{c}_{i\sigma'}$
Then it should be correct that
\begin{equation} \left(\hat{S}^{x}_{i}\right)^{2} = \frac{1}{2} \sum\limits_{\sigma\neq\sigma', \delta\neq\delta'} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{i\sigma}\hat{c}_{i\sigma'}\hat{c}^{\dagger}_{i\delta}\hat{c}_{i\delta'} \end{equation} The problem is, I struggle to simplify this expression. All I need to use is anticommutation relations, but every attempt leads to similar or even more complicated expressions. I failed to google answers. Is it even possible to combine somehow $\hat{c}$ and $\hat{c}^{\dagger}$ operators to get rid of some indexes or maybe transform this into function with operators $\hat{S}^{x}_{i}$, $\hat{S}^{y}_{i}$ , $\hat{S}^{z}_{i}$ ? If someone can give me a hint, I would appreciate it a lot.