I am asking this question on behalf of user furious.neutrino. I asked this question at Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange, but it has not received a reply, so I am duplicating it here. I think the answer really requires someone who is familiar with both the physics diagrams below and in electrical schematics.
The question is how to translate the following diagrams from the language of physics into electrical schematics.
The diagrams come from this paper: Rajesh Gopakumar, From Free Fields to AdS, arXiv:hep-th/0308184.
The solid lines are easy to interpret in terms of electrical networks.
What I don't understand is how "the rest of the circuit" represented by the dotted lines are connected. In the left hand side, there are 4 terminals. In the right hand side, there are 6. Further, in the left hand physics diagram, are the dotted lines all connected? Or are they meant to cross without connection? That is, is the current in $k_1$ supposed to equal the current in $k_3$, and similarly for $k_2$ and $k_4$? Could someone complete "the rest of the circuit" for both diagrams?