I have a series of vectors (current speeds) based on an ENU (East North Up) system. I would like to estimate the current speed of the water headed in a specific direction.
In this example I am interested in isolating the water flowing in the direction of 150 degrees, and am looking at the best way to calculate flow speeds of water in this direction. Is it possible to rotate the y component of the flow 30 degrees (180-150=30) and use this to estimate the magnitude of flow at 150 degrees?
u=0.0407 m/s
v=-0.1392 m/s
Speed=0.1451 m/s Direction = 163 degrees
Can I rotate the south v vector component like so
New_v= v*cos(30) + u*sin(30)
New_v=-0.1392*cos(30) + 0.047*sin(30)
And say the velocity of water flowing at 150 degrees would be .10023 m/s?
If I am way off, I'd be happy to learn a better way to do this