There is an observer at ($r,\theta, \phi$) outside of the Schwarzschild blackhole. A beacon is falling into the black hole along $r$ coordinates of the metric and is emitting radiation. At $r_{em}$, it emits a photon of frequency $\omega_{em}$, what will be the frequency of the light which is observed by the observer (assuming only radial trajectories)? In Sean Caroll, Chapter-5 eq. (5.100), he defines the frequency of the photon to be $$\omega = -g_{\mu \nu} U^{\mu} \frac{dx^{\nu}}{d\lambda}.\tag{5.100}$$However, I am not sure how he got this expression? Is there some intuitive way to get the same expression.
I was thinking about this and it seems that the $\omega$ would change according to the time dilation factor because of the curvature components of the metric.
Please correct me if I am wrong and kindly guide me.