I am having trouble in diagonalizing analytically the mass matrix associated to the inverse seesaw mechanism with lagrangian: $L= -y_1\bar{L}\tilde{H}N_{R_1} - -y_2\bar{L}\tilde{H}N_{R_2} + N_{R_1}^TM_{R_1}C^\dagger N_{R_1} + N_{R_2}^TM_{R_2}C^\dagger N_{R_2} +\Lambda \bar{N_{R_1}}N_{R_2}^C + h.c. $
Where the mass matrix is given by:
\begin{pmatrix} 0 & y_1 v_H/ \sqrt{2} & y_2 v_H/ \sqrt{2}\\ y_1v_H/\sqrt{2} & M_{R_1} & \Lambda \\ y_2v_H/\sqrt{2} & \Lambda & M_{R_2} \end{pmatrix}
If we take a U(1) where L has charge 1, $N_{R_1}$ has charge 1 and $N_{R_1}$ has charge -1, we will obtain that $y_2v_H/\sqrt{2}, M_{R_1}$ and $M_{R_2}$ have to be small. The resulting eigenvalue for the neutrino mass should be:
$m_{\nu} = \frac{v_H^2}{2(\Lambda^2 - \mu \mu')}[\mu y_1^2 + y_2^2 \mu' -2\Lambda y_2y_1] $ where $\mu$ and $\mu'$ have been used insted of $M_{R_1}$ and $M_{R_2}$ respectively.
I have tried to obtain this result but I can't, even by using approximation for the small values I don't recover the denominator in any way. Can someone tell me what could I be doing wrong in the procedure and if there's some way to get this result?