I'm trying to understand the original of quark and lepton mass. Here's a paragraph from the book: "Massive neutrinos in physics and astrophysics" by R. N. Mohapatra and P. B. Pal :
The gauge invariance prevent adding bare masses fro them in the Lagrangian. They arise from the following Yukawa interactions allowed by gauge symmetry: $$ -\mathcal{L}_{Y}=\sum_{a,b}[h^{(u)}_{ab}\bar{q}_{aL}\hat{\phi}u_{bR}+h^{(d)}_{ab}\bar{q}_{aL}\phi d_{bR}+h^{(l)}_{ab}\bar{\psi}_{aL}\phi l_{bR}]+\mathrm{h.c.}\ .\tag{2.14} $$ Here, $a,b$ stand for generation indices and $$\hat{\phi}=i\tau_{2}\phi^{*}\ .\tag{2.15}$$ On substituting the non-zero vacuum expectation values for $\phi_{0}=\sqrt{\frac{\mu^{2}}{2\lambda}}=v/\sqrt{2}$, the following mass terms for up and down quarks as well as the charge leptons are generated: $$-\mathcal{L}_{mass}= \sum_{a,b}[\bar{u}_{aL}M^{(u)}_{ab}u_{bR}+\bar{d}_{aL}M^{(d)}_{ab} d_{bR}+\bar{l}_{Lb} M^{(l)}_{ab}l_{bR}]+\mathrm{h.c.}\ ,\tag{2.16}$$ where $$ M^{(f)}_{ab}=h^{(f)}_{ab}v/\sqrt{2} \tag{2.17}$$ with $f=u,d,l$. By an appropriate choice of the quark and lepton basis, the coupling matrices $h^{(u)}$ and $h^{(l)}$ can be chosen diagonal so that we have $u^{0}_{a}=u_{a}$ and $l^{0}_{a}=l_{a}$. The $M^{(d)}$ is however, a complex non-diagonal matrix in this basis and can be diagonalized by the following biunitary transformation: $$V_{L}M^{(d)}V_{R}^{\dagger}=D^{(d)}. \tag{2.18}$$
Here's what I don't understand: Why does the Yukawa interaction Lagrangian look like that? I first thought that it has something to do with $$\mathcal{L}_{Yukawa}=\mathcal{L}_{Dirac}+\mathcal{L}_{Klein-Gordon}-g\bar{\psi}\psi\phi\ ,$$ but I cannot see any obvious connection between these two Lagrangians mathematically. I also don't understand what those h-matrices $h^{(u)}_{ab},h^{(d)}_{ab},h^{(l)}_{ab} $in equation (2.14) are. In equation (2.15), why does $\hat{\phi}$ look like that? In equation (2.16), how does $\bar{q}_{aL}$ become $\bar{u}_{aL}$ and so on. Also, how can I know that the matrices $M^{(u)}_{ab}$ and $M^{(l)}_{ab}$ are diagonal and $M^{(d)}_{ab}$ are not? At last, why do I need to put subscripts for the matrix $V$?
I'd be very grateful for any one who finish reading and answer my lengthy questions.