In 2d CFTs, we can study correlation functions of holomorphic primaries. For example, in section 8.3.3 of Di Francesco's book, the BPZ differential equation satisfied by $$ \langle \phi_{2,1}(z_0) \phi_1(z_1)\phi_2(z_2)\phi_3(z_3) \rangle $$ is studied. Due to the level-2 null of the primary $\phi_{2,1}$, the above correlation satisfies a 2nd order ODE, which can be solved (up to appropriate factors) by two linear independent hypergeometric functions.
More generally, $\langle \phi_{r,s}(z_0) \phi_1(z_1)\phi_2(z_2)\phi_3(z_3) \rangle$ will satisfy a $rs$-order ODE, giving $rs$ solutions.
However, I wonder what happens if we consider $\langle \phi_{2,1}(z_0) \phi_{r,s}(z_1)\phi_2(z_2)\phi_3(z_3) \rangle$? Does it satisfy the 2nd order or $rs$-order ODE, or both? How many independent solutions will there be?
(I would guess that there will be two independent solutions that simultaneously satisfy a 2nd and an $rs$-order equation, but I'm not entirely sure.)
And what happens if there are more than four operator insertions? What is the general idea to count number of solutions on a Riemann surface $\Sigma$? I have seen some formula/statement on "dimension of conformal blocks/characters", but I'm not sure if this is the same number that the above "BPZ equation approach" is computing.
Verlinde formula that computes $n$-point function, as mentioned in one answer
First do a pants decomposition of $\Sigma$, and each pants is treated like a fusion matrix $N$: the final number of blocks is given by suitable product of these $N$'s.