I am given a set of trial wave functions of the form $$ Φ_n^{\pm}(x)=Ψ_{n}(x-α)\pm Ψ_{n}(x+a) $$ Where $Ψ_n$ are the $n$th Harmonic oscillator wavefunctions. in order to approximate the energy levels from this symmetric Double Well Potential
$$ V(x)=\frac{1}{2}mω^{2}(\lvert x \rvert -a)^2 $$ The hints I have are the following : I am to use the Parity of these trial wavefunctions to reduce the number of integrals I have to calculate for the Energy,and I am supposed to break down the Hamiltonian into this form $$\hat{H_{\pm}}=-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{d^2}{dx^2} +\frac{1}{2} mω^2(x \mp α)^2$$ Where the + part holds for $x>0$ and the - part for $x<0$
$$ \hat{H_{\pm}}Ψ_{n}(x \mp a)=\frac{\hbar ω}{2} Ψ_{n}(x \mp a) $$
It is easy to show that the trial wave functions are parity even (+) or odd (-). Using the Parity Operator Left and Right of the Hamiltionian I show that energy values can be simplified from the general form,
$$ \tilde{E_{n}}=\frac{\langle Φ_{n}^{\pm}|\hat{H}|Φ_{n}^{\pm}\rangle}{\langle Φ_{n}^{\pm}|Φ_{n}^{\pm}\rangle} $$
To the form
$$ E_{n}^{\pm}=\frac{A_{n} \pm B_{n}}{1+C_n} $$ Where $A_n,B_n,C_n$ are the following integrals
$$B_{n}=\langle{Ψ_{n}(x+a)}|\hat{H}|{Ψ_{n}(x-a)}\rangle$$ $$A_{n}=\langle{Ψ_{n}(x+a)}|\hat{H}|{Ψ_{n}(x+a)}\rangle$$ $$C_{n}=\langle{Ψ_{n}(x+a)}|{Ψ_{n}(x-a)}\rangle$$
Now, I believe I can easily calculate the $C_n$ Integrals by invoking the orthonormality of the Hermite Polynomials when integrating from $-\infty$ to $+\infty$ and the Integral is the same for all values and pretty easy to compute (a simple Gaussian). However, I cannot calculate $A_n$ or $B_n$ correctly no matter what I try. I was given $B_0$ as a result $$B_0=\frac{\hbar ω}{2} (1-2\sqrt{\frac{b}{π}}a)e^{-ba^2}$$
When I try to calculate $B_0$, I break down the integral from $-\infty$ to 0 and from 0 to $+\infty$ and apply the corresponding Hamiltonian to the right wavefunction. As a result, I simply get a factor of $\hbar ω/2$ and get the same integral. I tried to not use the hint and calculate the integral manually I get second degree derivatives of Hermite Polynomials which reduce their class and give zero on all Integrals and some others which seem nearly impossible to calculate. I am not asking for an answer, but I would really appreciate some tips as to how I should start my calculations. Thanks for your time!