According to the formula: $$ \frac{\Delta Q}{\Delta t}=\sigma\epsilon A T^4 $$ What does $T$ refer to in a situation where I am modelling the power of radiation from air of temperature to surface of emissivity $𝜖$?
Is it the temperature difference? And if so, would the equation look like this? $$ \frac{\Delta Q}{\Delta t}=\sigma\epsilon A (T_{2} - T_{1})^4 \hspace{0.5in}or\hspace{0.2in} \frac{\Delta Q}{\Delta t}=\sigma\epsilon A (T_{2}^4 - T_{1}^4) $$
Further, what would the equation look like if the surface had greater temperature than the air?
Edit: the source of the formula is from the IBO Exam Data Booklet (