I am a mathematician who is trying to understand Wightman axioms. I do not understand what an operator-valued distribution is, because in this context people say that operators can be unbounded, and as far as I know, unbounded operators do not have any structure on them. Indeed, if we were only dealing with bounded operators, I would guess operator-valued distributions would just be the tensor product (of vector spaces) of tempered distributions and bounded linear operators, but since this is not the case I am not really sure of what people mean.
Edits based on the received answers and comments: I do not believe the answer "it is just a set-theoretic function between the Schwartz space and unbounded operators" is satisfying because it is missing the point that it should behave in some sense like a distribution (otherwise it would not be called distribution I guess).
The reason why I am asking this is that I need to understand the maths behind it, not its meaning so I am looking for a mathematical answer from the mathematical physics community (in particular every word should be well-defined, which rules out words like abstract object or transforms, unless these words are in turn given a definition).