The shorthand notation is tripping you up. Let's say that in a particular coordinate chart $x$, your vector components take the form $V^\mu (x)$. You now decide to differentiate these components, to obtain an expression
$$\frac{\partial}{\partial x^\nu}\big[ V^\mu(x)\big]$$
Now you wish to change to a different coordinate chart $y$. The components of $V$ transform as
$$V^\mu(x) \mapsto J^\mu_{\ \ \alpha}(y) \hat V^\alpha(y)$$
where $J^\mu_{\ \ \alpha}(y)\equiv \frac{\partial x^\mu (y)}{\partial y^\alpha}$ is the Jacobian of the transformation. Plugging that in yields
$$\frac{\partial}{\partial x^\nu}\left[J^\mu_{\alpha}(y)\hat V^\alpha(y)\right]$$
The problem now is that the quantity inside the brackets is a function of the coordinates $y$, so you cannot differentiate them with respect to the coordinates $x$. Instead, you need to transform your derivative operator:
$$\frac{\partial}{\partial x^\nu} \mapsto \big(J^{-1}(y)\big)^\beta_{\ \ \nu} \frac{\partial}{\partial y^\beta}$$
Now you can expand everything out using the product rule. To recover the shorthand notation, you can drop the arguments $(x)$ and $(y)$ from all of the functions, write the Jacobian as $\partial x/\partial y$, and replace $y$ with $x'$. From there, replace $\frac{\partial}{\partial x^\mu}$ with $\partial_\mu$ and $\frac{\partial}{\partial x'^\mu}$ with $\partial_{\mu'}$. (Can you see how this gets confusing for beginners?)
As an example, we can transform the vector field $\mathbf V = \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+\frac{y}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}\frac{\partial}{\partial y}$ from Cartesian coordinates $(x,y)$ to polar coordinates $(r,\theta)$. Clearly this is simply equal to $\frac{\partial}{\partial r}$, so this is what we should expect to find at the end.
Because $x(r,\theta)=r\cos(\theta)$ and $y(r,\theta) = r\sin(\theta)$, the Jacobian and its inverse take the form
$$J(r,\theta) = \pmatrix{\cos(\theta) & -r\sin(\theta)\\ \sin(\theta) & r\cos(\theta)} \qquad J^{-1}(r,\theta) = \pmatrix{\cos(\theta) & \sin(\theta)\\ -\frac{1}{r}\sin(\theta) & \frac{1}{r}\cos(\theta)}$$
The initial Cartesian components are $V^x(x,y) = \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}$ and $V^y(x,y) = \frac{y}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}$. Expressed in terms of $r$ and $\theta$, we have that $V^x = \cos(\theta)$ and $V^y = \sin(\theta)$. According to the transformation rule,
$$\pmatrix{V^x\\V^y} = J(r,\theta) \pmatrix{\hat V^r\\ \hat V^\theta} \implies \pmatrix{\hat V^r\\ \hat V^\theta} = J^{-1}(r,\theta) \pmatrix{\cos(\theta)\\\sin(\theta)} = \pmatrix{1\\0}$$
And so $\hat V^r(r,\theta) = 1$ and $\hat V^\theta(r,\theta) = 0$, as anticipated.
In this language, the question in the OP relates to expressions of the form
$$\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \pmatrix{V^x(x,y)\\ V^y(x,y)} = \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left[ J(r,\theta) \pmatrix{\hat V^r(r,\theta)\\\hat V^\theta(r,\theta)}\right]$$
and the fact that it is inappropriate to differentiate the RHS before transforming the derivative operator.