I recently encountered an electric fence in the countryside. The fence was made from wooden poles in ground which were connected by 3 wires from top to bottom. At one of the poles, however, the middle wire just ended right at that pole (I assume that the wire had broken there and thus was severed while the two others continued on to the rest of the fence). See diagram below:
I wondered what would happen to the current in this middle wire as it couldn't complete the circuit (all of the wires were disconnected from eachother), so I picked a long grass straw and put the tip of it on top of the wire while holding at the other end of the straw. At first, I couldn't feel anything, but as I moved the straw closer to the wire, I began to feel an electric pulse. My conclusion was that the wood must have been acting as a sort of earthing agent, but as wood isn't conductive, I didn't think that would be possible. Could someone explain this to me?