Recently when I was trying to explain the principle of kerr-lens mode-locked laser, however I find that I don't even understand it myself.
People around me always say the longtitude modes of the cavity can be understood as standing wave, and when the amplified modes have "fixed" phase relationship the laser is mode locked.
In reality when I add different standing wave together mathematically I get two pulses propogate at opposite direction in the cavity. It makes sense since the standing wave is the superposition of two counter-propogating waves. If it's true then the repetition rate of the laser is $f=c/L$ if c is the speed of light and L is the cavity length, instead of $f=c/2L$.
I don't know which part of my understanding is wrong even this sounds ridiculous.
Now I begin to doubt my understanding of the term "standing wave". I am thinking if it means the averaged effect over long time compared with the traveling time used in the cavity. If you track the wave which is shorter than cavity length at light speed, you don't see standing wave at this high time resolution.
Here is the small script I use to add up 100 different standing waves:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light as lc
omega=lambda n: 2*np.pi*lc/L*n
wave = lambda n,x,t: np.sin(2*np.pi*x/L*n)*np.cos(omega(n)*t)#assume same phase at t=0
ax = plt.subplot(111)
t = lambda n: 2*np.pi/omega(n)
stack = lambda n,t: sum([wave(i,x,t) for i in range(n-50,n+50)],0)
plt.savefig('pulse',transparent = True)
The output is:
if you change the time then you can see these two pulses travel to different direction.