My question concerns the following definition
Definition: The timelike (resp. null) generic condition in GR is fulfilled if $$u_{[\alpha} R_{\rho]\mu \nu [\sigma}u_{\beta]}u^\mu u^\nu \ne 0$$ at some point of each timelike (resp. null) geodesic with tangent vector $\vec u$. ($R_{\rho \mu \nu \sigma}$ is the Riemann curvature tensor.)
It is written in many places that this is the right condition to impose if one wants to assume that every freely falling (or light) particle encounters some form of matter or radiation in its history (or something to that effect).
But I don't understand, why the particular tensor $u_{[\alpha} R_{\rho]\mu \nu [\sigma}u_{\beta]}u^\mu u^\nu \ne 0$ is the right thing to look at in this context. For example, why don't we assume that $R_{\rho\mu\nu\sigma}u^\mu u^\nu \ne 0$ at some point? Or maybe that $R_{\mu \nu}u^\mu u^\nu \ne 0$, or perhaps that $G_{\mu \nu} u^\mu u^\nu \ne 0$?
I'm guessing that the last two condition could be too weak to derive the singularity theorems we want, so that something stronger must be assumed. But the expression $u_{[\alpha} R_{\rho]\mu \nu [\sigma}u_{\beta]}u^\mu u^\nu \ne 0$ really looks a bit strange to me (i.e. I don't understand its significance). Could someone explain to me why this is the right condition to impose?