I'm reading chapter 9.4 "Quantization of the electromagnetic field" of Peskin's and Schroeder's book.
When proving the unitarity of the gauge-invariant $S$-matrix, a trick is used.
$$ SS^\dagger=P_0S_\text{FP}P_0S_\text{FP}^\dagger P_0=P_0S_\text{FP}S_\text{FP}^\dagger P_0. $$
The $S$ on the LHS is a gauge-invariant $S$-matrix while the $S$ on the RHS is unitary but not gauge-invariant. $P_0$ is a projection onto the subspace of the space of asymptotic states in which all particles are either electrons, positrons, or transverse photons.
In the formula shown above, how is the $P_0$ in the middle removed?