I understand the derivation of the pauli matrices. But there is something else I dont understand. Lets take $\hat{s}_x$ as an example. $$ \hat{s}_x=\frac{\hbar}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix} $$ and in gerneral the matrix elements of $\hat{s}_x$ are $$ \hat{s}_x=\begin{pmatrix} \langle\uparrow|\hat{s}_x|\uparrow\rangle & \langle\uparrow|\hat{s}_x|\downarrow\rangle \\ \langle\downarrow|\hat{s}_x|\uparrow\rangle & \langle\downarrow|\hat{s}_x|\downarrow\rangle \\ \end{pmatrix} $$ and now what I dont understand is that for example $$ \langle\downarrow|\hat{s}_x|\uparrow\rangle=\frac{\hbar}{2}\neq0 $$ I'm suprised this is not euqal to 0 because (quote from feynman lectures vol. 3 chapter 8)
We have also talked about what happens when particles go through an apparatus $A$. If we start the particles out in a certain state $ϕ$, then send them through an apparatus, and afterward make a measurement to see if they are in state $χ$, the result is described by the amplitude $$ \langle\chi|A|\phi\rangle $$
And now I dont have an intuitive understanding of what the apparatus $\hat{s}_x$ does. So by looking at what the forumulas say $\hat{s}_x$ is an apparatus that switches the spin orientation with a probability of $\frac{\hbar}{2}$. But that doesnt sound that right. Is there some intuitive explanation of why this isnt =$0$? Or maybe isnt there even an intuitive understanding of the matrices of operators with the method I used (comparing the values with the bra-ket formulas of the corresponding entries)?