I have just started reading about the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE) and had these doubts:
- In the review article [1, 2] by Prof. Wen, he writes that electron always dances anti-clockwise so the Laughlin wavefunction depends only on $z = x +iy$. How are these two facts related? Also, how do we know they move anti-clockwise in the first place? Is it just from the classical picture? Also, we don't write anything about the time-evolution of these states is it because we assume electrons are at rest at zero temperature? If yes, then how are they dancing anti-clockwise?
- The Laughlin wavefunction shows topological order (I don't know how maybe that's why this question), is the wavefunction unique? I feel (not sure) we can create more combinations of states from 1st Landau level solutions that show the 1/m filling fraction properties. Can we? If yes, are those states related to each other by topological deformations of something, and how exactly? Also, is the manifold of these states a torus and is it because of the periodic boundary conditions in real space?