The following equation may be obtained by applying Finite Element Analysis to a deformable body considering linear elasticity and a harmonic input force f(t) = Fejωt. We assume that the steady-state response of the displacementes will be u(t) = Uejωt. Here italic letters are vectors, bold face letters are matrices, and normal letters are scalars.
(K + jωC - ω²M)U = F (1)
where K, C and M are the stiffness, damping and mass matrices, respectively. All matrices are symmetric.
Now, when no damping is considered, the amplitude of the work of the external forces done on the system can be calculated simply as:
Wno damping = (1/2)UT(K - ω²M)U ∈ ℝ (2)
The question
The question then is: what is the amplitude of the work done when there is damping?
Although I am using FE notation here, answers using continuum mechanics notation are welcome! (or any other, for that matter)
My attempt
The main issue here, I believe, is that while in a conservative system (no damping), the work of the external forces always oscilates around 0, in a non-conservative system, there is a net linear increase in work done, which is equal to the energy dissipated by the damping terms. But I do not know how to calculate this.
I tried explicitly calculating W = ∫ f(t)Tu(t) dt for t ∈ [t0 , t1], but I don't know if I should actually take the conjugate transpose of f(t) instead of just the transpose, nor if that equation is even correct, since it yields a complex value because U ∈ ℂn x 1. The integral yielded:
Wwith dampnig = (1/2)UT (K + jωC - ω²M)U (e2jωt1 - e2jωt0) (3)
I am having difficulties finding references for this in FEA using complex values.
A few tests, based on suggested answers
Suppose $f(t)=Fe^{j\omega t}$ and $u(t)=Ue^{j\omega t}$, with $F, U \in \mathbb{C}^{N \times 1}$. Then $\frac{du}{dt}(t)=j\omega Ue^{j\omega t}$.
We have that $\left(\mathbf{K} + j\omega\mathbf{C} - \omega^2\mathbf{M}\right)U = F$
Case A:
$$\text{W}=\int_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}}f(t)^T\frac{du}{dt}(t)\,dt = \int_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}} j\omega F^TUe^{2j\omega t} \,dt = F^TU\frac{j\omega}{2j\omega}\left.e^{2j\omega t}\right|_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}}=$$ $$=\frac{F^TU}{2}\left(e^{4\pi j}-e^0\right)=0$$
Case B:
$$\text{W}=\int_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}}f(t)^H\frac{du}{dt}(t)\,dt = \int_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}} j\omega F^HUe^{0} \,dt = 2\pi jF^HU=2\pi jU^H\left(\mathbf{K} - j\omega\mathbf{C} - \omega^2\mathbf{M}\right)U$$ $$\text{W} = -2\pi\omega U^H\mathbf{C}U+2\pi jU^H\left(\mathbf{K}-\omega^2\mathbf{M}\right)U$$ Since all matrices are real and symmetric, the vector, matrix, vector products all result in real values.
Case C:
$$\text{W}=\int_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}}\Re\left(f(t)\right)^T\Re\left(\frac{du}{dt}(t)\right)\,dt$$ Now we separate, $U=U_R+jU_I$, with $U_R, U_I\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times1}$. And we also have to explicitly write $e^{j\omega t}$ using Euler's formula, so that: $$u(t)=Ue^{j\omega t}=U_R\cos{\omega t}-U_I\sin{\omega t} +j\left( U_R\sin{\omega t} + U_I\cos{\omega t} \right)$$ $$\dfrac{du}{dt}(t)=-\omega\left( U_R\sin{\omega t} + U_I\cos{\omega t} \right)+j\omega\left(U_R\cos{\omega t}-U_I\sin{\omega t}\right)$$ After a lot of algebraic manuplation, one can find that the terms multiplying $\mathbf{K}$ and $\mathbf{M}$ vanish after the integration. We then obtain: $$\text{W}=\int_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}}\omega^2\left(U_R^T\mathbf{C}U_R\sin^2{\omega t}+U_I^T\mathbf{C}U_I\cos^2{\omega t}+U_R^T\mathbf{C}U_I\sin{2\omega t}\right)\,dt$$ Knowing that $\int_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}}\sin^2{\omega t}\,dt=\int_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}}\cos^2{\omega t}\,dt=\frac{\pi}{\omega}$ and $\int_0^{\frac{2\pi}{\omega}}\sin{2\omega t}\,dt=0$: $$\text{W}=\pi\omega\left(U_R^T\mathbf{C}U_R+U_I^T\mathbf{C}U_I\right)=\pi\omega U^H\mathbf{C}U$$