In QM we have always been told that for each quantum mechanical field there is an associated particle. This works in the free theory where from canonical quantisation we promote a field to a field operator using ladder operators with the ladder operators generating single particle states. We say the field operator couples the state to the vacuum
$$\langle 0|\phi|p \rangle = e^{-ip \cdot x}$$
In the interacting theory we don't know how to solve exactly, we resort to perturbation theory and the interaction picture. For small perturbations there is a similar interpretation but this can't really hold for strong coupling regimes. In general the field operator couples many states to the vacuum, now we have
$$\langle 0|\phi|p \rangle = \sqrt{Z}e^{-ip \cdot x}$$ for $|Z|<1$. How do we interpret the field operator in this case?