On asking how there could be a flow of time in a block universe one user said
"In the block universe concept there is no physical flow of time. The flow of time is a purely mental sensation that does not depict reality. This mental sensation occurs at the events on a human’s worldline where the human is conscious"
according to above statement a human is concious of events along his wordline say $(X_1,y_1,Z_1,t_1)$, $(X_2,y_2,Z_2,t_2)$, $(X_3,y_3,Z_3,t_3)$, ... $(X_n,y_n,Z_n,t_n)$ If this were true our brain at each such event is only conciousness of that event not the subsequent or prior event and there's nothing that is connecting them to form a sequentially ordered subjective experience from birth to death ( since there is no physical flow or motion of any kind ) and this would also mean that brain at an event say $(X_3,y_3,Z_3,t_3)$ has the same experience again and again forever since nothing is changing in a block universe and no physical flow of time as well.
How does all of this explain flow of time?
And even if all of it were true how could there be any sensations/conciousness in brain if everything is frozen in time?