Suppose their are 3 objects(O1, O2 and M) in a region of space with large variations in the momentum stress tensor.
They all have 3 different trajectories through a very inhomogeneous spacetime manifold, given by O1($\lambda$), O2($\lambda$), M($\lambda$).
I understand that the manifold is defined by a set of definite points, so that in an abstract point of view, O1, O2 and M define objective trajectories across this set of definite points. But, if we want to describe them, we need to define an atlas and chose a chart (which specifies an origin). This will then specify a point in the range in the chart (4 numbers) to each object.
It makes sense to me that the chart you would choose will be based on the measurement apparatus of some observer. So O1 sets up an apparatus with 3 orthogonal space-like vectors (say rulers that are placed in what O1 perceives as orthogonal) and a clock, which define the spacial coordinates and a time coordinate. Measurements are then a set of 4 numbers made a different times: $$ (x_1,y_1,z_1,t_1)$$ $$ (x_2,y_2,z_2,t_2)$$ $$ (x_3,y_3,z_3,t_3)$$ $$ \dots $$ $$ (x_n,y_n,z_n,t_n)$$
My first question is: Are these set of measurement all in the same chart? I'm uncertain about this because at each point in time, O1 may have moved to a different point (objective definite point) in the space-time manifold and thus changed the origin of the chart.
I'm guessing that their is a way to define a chart such that all these measurements are in the same one, but I don't know how to do that.(?) Given that their is, O1, will have set of measurements for O2 and M as a set of points in the domain of O1's chart. O1 also has a set of measurements of various points(say the end points of the orthogonal rulers) of O2's apparatus(the same type of apparatus O1 is using). O1 can then construct 3 vectors (in his chart) which have some relation to the ones that define O2's chart.
My Second question how does does O1, predict the measurements O2 will make of M, given that they both use the same type of apparatus and clock. O1 also knows the space-time structure and can write down a metric and connection in O1's chart.
Edit To be more specific, O1 has two 4-vector that describes O2 and M's path and the metric in it's coordinate system (the domain of the chart that describes O1's reference frame): $$ \vec{x}_{O2} $$ $$ \vec{x}_{M} $$ $$ g_{i,j}(\vec{x}) $$
How does O1 calculate $ \vec{x}_{M}' $ in O2 coordinate system:
$$ \vec{x}_{M}'(\vec{x}_{O2},\vec{x}_{M},g_{i,j}(\vec{x}))$$