Consider a qubit-cavity system governed by the usual Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian in the dispersive regime $$ H_0 = \omega_q \frac{\sigma_z}{2} + \omega_a a^\dagger a + \chi a^\dagger a \frac{\sigma_z}{2} $$ where $a$ is the annihilation operator of the cavity, and $\sigma_z$ is the z Pauli operator on the qubit. We drive the system with a time-dependent Hamiltonian $$ H_d(t) = \Omega \mathrm{e}^{i t \omega_q} \sigma_+ + \Omega^* \mathrm{e}^{-i t \omega_q} \sigma_- $$ where $\sigma_\pm$ are the Pauli creation and annihilation operators. For $|\Omega| \ll \chi$, since the drive is resonant with the qubit at frequency $\omega_d = \omega_q - 0 \chi$, the system will see Rabi oscillations for the photonless cavity state $|0\rangle$. In other words, if the initial state of the system is $|\psi(t=0)\rangle = |0,g\rangle$, the system will oscillate between $|0, g\rangle$ and $|0, e\rangle$ such that $$ |\langle 0,g| \psi(t) \rangle|^2 = \cos^2\left(\frac{\Omega t}{2}\right) $$ $$ |\langle 0,e| \psi(t) \rangle|^2 = \sin^2\left(\frac{\Omega t}{2}\right) $$
Question: How can I compute the exact form of $|\psi(t)\rangle$ starting from any initial state $|\psi(t=0)\rangle$ under this time-dependent drive?