I'm not sure either, so I will try to explicate some terms frequently used. The transforms, in the sense you described them, we will call passive transforms. More generally, a passive transform can be any transform involving open subsets of one or two charts in the way you described, with the use-case, that you described, of their being chart-to-chart conversions. That's the epitome of a coordinate transformation.
In contrast, the active transforms are those which move the underlying points over all of $M$. This has to be reflected chart-wise as a family of transforms on $M$ indexed by two charts, and by the transforms on the charts, reflected by them.
Use-cases of interest (to me) are diffeomorphisms on $M$ that only affect a compact subset $U ⊆ M$ non-trivially. I don't know enough about diffeomorphisms or local diffeomorphisms to know if it is even possible. I assume it is. But it is the gist of my question Existence of a diffeomorphism matching a finite point cloud transform.
So, let $φ: M → M$ be a diffeomorphism on an $n$-dimensional differentiable manifold $M$, for some $n = 1, 2, 3, \ldots$ and $A$ is an open covering of $M$ containing a set of chart-maps $m_U: U → ℝ^n$, for $U ∈ A$, and passive chart-to-chart one-to-one conversion maps
$$T_{UV}: ℝ^n ⊇ m_V(U ∩ V) ↔ m_U(U ∩ V) ⊆ ℝ^n,$$
such that the usual properties hold, e.g. $T_{UV}(m_V(x)) = m_U(x)$ for $x ∈ U ∩ V$ and $T_{UV} = {T_{VU}}^{-1}$. Then the active transform is indexed by a family of one-to-one maps $φ_{UV}: V_U ↔ U^V$ on $M$, where $V_U = φ^{-1}(U) ∩ V$ and $U^V = U ∩ φ(V)$, that is chart-to-chart compatible.
The chart-to-chart compatibility has to be on both the $U$ and $V$ ends. The transforms $φ_{UV}$ are reflected on the charts as
$$m_{φUV}: ℝ^n ⊇ m_V\left(V_U\right) ↔ m_U\left(U^V\right) ⊆ ℝ^n,$$
such that $m_U ∘ φ_{UV} = m_{φUV} ∘ m_V$. (Sniff, sniff - I'm picking up commutative diagrams, somewhere. Bark. Bark.) On the $V$ side, chart-to-chart compatibility means $m_{φUV'} ∘ T_{V'V} = m_{φUV}$ when restricted to the domain $(V∩V')_U$. On the $U$ side, chart-to-chart compatibility means $m_{φUV} = T_{UU'} ∘ m_{φU'V}$, when restricted to the domain $V^{U∩U'}$.
Diffeomorphisms and active transforms - by the explicated definition I've used - have to be defined globally over all of $M$, while passive transforms - by the same explication - are only defined on an open subset of a chart in $M$, rather than over all of $M$.