I was reading parallel plate capacitors in my book today and there I saw that the battery provides +Q charge to positive plate and -Q charge to negative plate? But we know that only electrons can flow so the battery should provide only -Q charge right?
Is it that, the electrons flow from the negative terminal of the battery to the negative plate and since the conductor is seperated by a dielectric medium, here (air) the negative charge will pile up at the negative plate, but since the seperation is less this will induce a positive charge on the other plate of the capacitor and since positive charge can't flow so it will stay there only. Also, the negative charge is provided by this positive plate only, which is then transferred by the battery to the opposite side of the capacitor or the negative plate? Is this explanation correct?
Also, My teacher said that the battery provides energy to the charges but my book says that the battery provides the charges, I'm totally confused.
Please help me.