In David Tong's lecture notes on quantum field theory, at the top of page 38, we calculate the amplitude for a particle to propagate from $y$ to $x$:
$$\begin{align}\langle0|\phi(x)\phi(y)|0\rangle&=\int\frac{\text d^3p\text d^3p'}{(2\pi)^6}\frac{1}{\sqrt{4E_\vec pE_{\vec p'}}}\langle0|a_{\vec p}a^\dagger_{\vec p'}|0\rangle e^{-ip\cdot x+ip'\cdot y}\\ &=\int\frac{\text d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{1}{2E_{\vec p}}e^{-ip\cdot(x-y)}\\ &\equiv D(x-y). \tag{2.90} \end{align}$$
However if I take the field operators and expand them by hand I obtain:
$$\langle0|\phi(x)\phi(y)|0\rangle=\langle0|\int\frac{\text d^3p\text d^3p'}{(2\pi)^6}\frac{1}{\sqrt{4E_\vec pE_{\vec p'}}}(a_pe^{-ip\cdot x}a_{p'}e^{-ip'\cdot y} +a_{p}e^{-ip\cdot x}a_{p'}^\dagger e^{ip'\cdot y}\\+a_{p}^\dagger e^{ip\cdot x}a_{p'}e^{-ip'\cdot y}+a_{p}^\dagger e^{ip\cdot x}a_{p'}^\dagger e^{ip'\cdot y})|0\rangle.$$
So in equation 2.90 only the second term from above involving the creation/annihilation operators survives. But I don't see why those other terms vanish in what I've written. I would understand if annihilation operators were annihilating the vacuum and causing terms to vanish but the fourth term does not have an annihilation operator at all.
Also, why in equation 2.90 do we do away with the integral over $p'$ just before obtaining the final result?