I am currently implementing the model proposed in this publication (1983). I already figured out, that it probably uses cgs units. (The units of $1/\epsilon_0$ would be missing in eq. (24,25), if it were SI units.). To get the actual numbers, i would like to find out, which version of the cgs system is used. The value of the electric charge would then change accordingly.
Is there a way to deduce the variant of the cgs system (EMU or ESU or Gaussian units) from the remaining formulas in the publication?
Maybe someone can see it from a formula for the square of a wavevector $q$: $$q^2=4\pi e^2 \frac{\partial f}{\partial \epsilon } $$ where $e$ is the electron charge, $f$ is the Fermi-Dirac distribution and $\epsilon$ is the respective energy scale.